PRESS RELEASE: C3 Action Hails Enactment of the ADVANCE Act

(FALLS CHURCH, VA) – C3 Action released the following statement today celebrating the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act, being signed into law. Thanks to the leadership of Senators Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Tom Carper (D-DE), as well as Representatives Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), and Diana DeGette (D-CO), the ADVANCE Act passed the Senate by a vote of 88-2 and the House by a vote of 393-13.

“At a time when voters are rightly concerned about Washington being broken, it’s important to recognize when Congress gets it right. Previous generations and scientific pioneers dreamed of the promise of nuclear energy only to have government intervention make it increasingly difficult to deploy nuclear power. The ADVANCE Act is helping to put those dreams back on track. The bipartisan leaders who led this effort deserve our gratitude for reminding a weary country that the hard and often tedious work of consensus can overcome fear, hysteria and mindless partisanship. Instead of being performative, Congress performed,” said John Hart, Executive Director of C3 Action. 

“The enactment of the ADVANCE Act also shows how climate and energy politics are shifting in a positive direction. Through the enactment of this legislation, a growing supermajority of members have demonstrated a commitment to an emissions reduction strategy that will be solved by energy abundance and economic development. With rapid advances in AI and other technologies, America will need much more energy in the coming decades. This process will spur more and more innovation and advances in clean energy. The ADVANCE Act is a forward-thinking and reality-based response that will be far more productive than demonizing fossil fuels or any other energy source.” Hart said. 
The Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions Action or “C3 Action” is committed to advancing climate and energy solutions rooted in economic freedom. C3 Action’s sister organization, C3 Solutions, published The Climate and Freedom Agenda whose policy and regulatory reforms were included in the ADVANCE Act.

